` Vendors - Yesterday Auto Gallery

Gallery and Diner Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Wednesday to Saturday

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Steele Wheels Motor Museum is a brand new museum and event space in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Explore 75+ classic & exotic vehicles on display. With new arrivals regularly added to our exhibit space, visitors can always discover something unique and intriguing during their visit. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or...
Visit the Firefighters’ Museum in Yarmouth to discover the history of firefighting in this province. Imagine the clang of the fire bell, the smell of smoke, and the feel of hot steam as firefighters of the past raced to save burning homes in communities across Nova Scotia.
The Canadian Automotive Museum exhibits and interprets the world’s most significant collection of Canadian-built and Canadian-owned antique and classic cars. The Canadian Automotive Museum exhibits and interprets the world’s most significant collection of Canadian-built and Canadian-owned antique and classic cars.
The Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Canada South located just minutes from the U.S. border. The museum is situated on a 100-acre site housing one of the largest transportation museums in Ontario and a collection of several buildings and artifacts...
Dreamcycle Museum has over 100 motorcycles on display, many marques, and covers decades of motorcycle history. The Gift Shop has unique motorcycle related gift items and great options for decorating the “Man Cave.” The Movie Theatre is free and plays motorcycle-related footage. Attached is Sprokkets Cafe, where everything is made...

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